Live Workshops, Classes & Retreats
** 2024 **
ONLINE & IN-PERSON: Natural Healing Self-help - Digestive Health
Monday, October 7th, 7:00-8:00pm, EST
Tuesday, October 8th, 8:30-9:30am, Adelaide, Australia
Suggested Contribution: $15-$25
Online Registration
IN-PERSON: Full Moon Sound and Energy Bath- Hunter's Moon
430 Springfield Ave, Suite 209, Berkeley Heights, NJ (description in the calendar)
Thursday, October 17, 7:00-8:30pm
Suggested Contribution: $35 / $40 / $45 <-- You choose
Email to Register
IN-PERSON: Balance the Chakras with Crystals (Stillwater, NJ)
Prana for Peace, 911 Main Street, Stillwater, NJ (near Blairstown)
Tuesday, October 20th, 2:00-5:00pm, EST
Contribution: $85 (individual) / $150 (pair)
Register with Kristi Meng: (973) 903-6384
ONLINE & IN-PESON: Mindfulness Meditation
Tuesday, October 22nd, 7:00-8:00pm, EST
Wednesday, October 23rd, 8:30-9:30am, Adelaide, Australia
Suggested Contribution: $15-$25
Online Registration
IN-PERSON: Making Your Own Mandala (Berkeley Heights, NJ)
430 Springfield Ave, Suite 209, Berkeley Heights, NJ (description in the calendar)
Sunday, November 15, 2:00-5:00pm
Contribution: $65
Email to Register
IN-PERSON: Soul Contracts & Personal Archetypes (Stillwater, NJ)
Prana for Peace, 911 Main Street, Stillwater, NJ (near Blairstown)
Sunday, November 17, 2:00-5:00pm, EST
Contribution: $85
Register with Kristi Meng: (973) 903-6384
IN-PERSON: ONE-DAY MEDITATION RETREAT - Calm Body, Quiet Mind (Berkeley Heights, NJ)
430 Springfield Ave, Suite 209, Berkeley Heights, NJ (description in the calendar)
Sunday, December 8, 9:30-6:00pm
Suggested Contribution: $155 / $165 / $175 <-- You choose
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