In Qantum Healing Hypnosis, or Past Life Regression work we always ask to speak to the Higher self. It is here we can find the answers to questions, understand the greater purpose, and heal.
About the Sessions
On this page, you will find links to full-length sessions*. The recordings for full-length sessions are typically 60 to 90 minutes.
Before you come to a session, I ask you to contemplate what questions you would like answered about your life. I say, "Imagine you have a crystal ball and can ask any question pertaining to this life, what would you ask?" I then invite you to meditate on the questions rewriting them as needed so the questions are as clear and succinct. I have found that the clearer the questions, the clearer the answers. Typical questions are related to purpose, career, family, personal relationships, phobias, habits, addictions, past experiences, dreams, physical ailments and conditions.
In a typical session, we explore one or two lives. We follow one life to the end past the death experience. After the death experience, we ask about the lesson of the life and then we connect with the Higher Self to ask the questions. More often, clients are connecting directly with their Higher Self as light, an angelic being, a presence, a knowing.
Sometimes, sessions do not follow this format. Sometimes, as with Tristan and Tom, and my own session I had with Dolores Cannon in 2007 (also included), we connect quickly and easily with higher consciousness to get the answers to the questions.
* The sesssions are edited from the original. Edits include removing the person's name, removing the key word, redundancy, private information, the induction and the bringing out.
September 28, 2013
Jane experienced a complete shift in perception. This session is an excellent example of how how consciousness and higher awareness meet resulting in mental/emotional and physical healing.
Listen to the Session
Tom Taylor
September 10, 2008
In this session, Tom arrived in a garden scene with an arbor. There he connected with nature spirits and communed directly with a fairy being. Their main message was to take care of the planet. "No garbage!" And advice was given on how to connect with them.
Listen to the Session
:: Read about the session :: Listen to Excerpts from Other Sessions
Andrea Grace
March 20, 2007
This is my session with Dolores Cannon. I had this session after completing the first round of training in this work. The scene I arrived into was of an immense building set in the side of a mountain that overlooked a valley. The life showed me as a teacher and member of a council. The recording includes the questions that concerned me at the time.
Listen to the Session
Office Location
The Elila Center for Natural Healing
430 Springfield Ave, Suite 209
Berkeley Heights, NJ